woman up.

A 6-month coaching program for women in historically male-dominated industries.
The system might be rigged against you, but you can show them what you’ve got.

Feeling exhausted and frustrated? Like you’re constantly swimming against the tide at work? Wondering whether that imposter syndrome is simply due to being a woman stuck in that lad culture?

As if mansplaining or being referred to as a “girl” despite being a grown woman wasn’t infuriating enough… In a male-dominated industry you also often have to spend even more energy to cope and create opportunities for yourself.

Get to focus your energy and time on yourself, while giving the middle finger to the patriarchy. Let’s map out the next 6 months together.

In this program we will: 

  • Deep dive into where you’re at in your career and life

  • Clarify exactly where you want to go

  • Map out the areas of focus for the next 6 months

  • Create together your very own strategies to support your growth

  • Have weekly intention and goal setting in line with where you want to be

While the industry you’re in might be stacked against your progress, let’s pull a reverse uno card and use what you’ve got to take you where you want to be.

Fill in the form below to get access to our free 6-step guide to get a flavour of the program.

What you’ll get

Before we start

  • You’ll receive your pdf workbook to start filling in before our 1st session

  • Access to a members-only space which includes a video to support you and make it less overwhelming

  • The link to book your 1 x 90-minute online kick off session where we will go through the workbook together and map out the next 6 months

  • A link to a spotify playlist with some amazing women to get you going

then weekly

  • Intention and goal settings over Whatsapp every Monday for the duration of the program

  • Check-in and reflection prompt over Whatsapp on Fridays for the duration of the program

  • Support when you need it over Whatsapp messages or voice notes

And monthly

  • 1 x 45-minute 1to1 online session/month for the 6 months of the program (6 in total)

  • An opportunity to help shape this program with anonymous feedback

  • Access to a few audios with tips to support you

  • Does the program come with a guide to handling 'mansplaining' with grace?

    I personally don’t think there should be any grace when answering a mansplainer… However it might require a confidence boost or finding a way to respond that feels authentic to you. We can defintely work on that together.

  • How will the program be tailored to my personal career goals?

    In our very first session (90-minute kick off) we will go through the workbook that you started filling in together. We will define you goals for the next 6 months and map out the priorities for each month. We can revisit them at any time if it doesn’t feel right anymore or your priorities shift.

  • Is there a secret handshake I should know to join the Woman Up club?

    I would LOVE to see you trying a handshake from behind your screen… The only secret bit here is confidentiality. We will go through it in details in our first session but basically the fact you are a client, your goals and anything we will discuss is completely confidential. The one exception is if at any point there is concern about your safety or the safety of others.

  • How much time will I need to commit to the program each week?

    Every week you will set up goals and intentions for the week as well as wrap up at the end of the week. Then there is the actual going after your goals part. You have to be willing to focus at least 2 hours a week on this program.

  • Will this program give me superpowers? Like getting the sexist colleagues to understand I am just as capable as they are?

    I’d love to wave a wand and get you to magically make years of sexist conditioning and toxic masculinity disappear. A more realistic superpower however, will be to know when you’ve outgrown an organisation or relationships. I will always champion you to do what is best for YOU, which could mean leaving this kind of colleagues behind.

  • What resources and materials will I have access to during the program?

    Aside from our 1 to 1 interactions (monthly session, weekly intention and goals setting, weekly reflection), you will have access to the Woman Up members-only resource page. It includes videos and audios that can support you on this journey. Like what is habit stacking or why knowing your core values is so key. You will also get a monthly anonymous link to ask for what you would need more of from the program so that library of resources can expand in a way that is helpful to you.

  • Do I get a crown and sword at graduation for slaying stereotypes?

    You’re a woman in a male-dominated industry who just went on a 6-month journey towards your goals and vision… You don’t need any crown or sword to know how badass you are.

  • What outcomes can I realistically expect after completing the program?

    There is not one definite answer here. It depends on the goals and outcomes you set at the beginning of the program. l will support you in ensuring they are realistic AND exciting. How things will evolve throughout the program, you can always shift your focus or goals. But most importantly, it depends on your commitment to the process. If at any point things get difficult for whatever reason, I will just be an email or a whatsapp away to chat through this together. I want you to succeed.

  • How will this program help me navigate challenges like gender bias and discrimination?

    This is a really good question which would probably require a lot more time to answer. First and foremost I will be here to remind you those are systemic. Now based on your goals, you may or may not want to address it, find ways that feel authentic to you to fight back. Or you might realise that the places/relationships that are too engrained in systems of oppression are a waste of your energy and talent. I will support you towards what resonates the most with you and your own experience.

  • Will this program teach me how to nail my negotiation skills?

    If confidence and/or self worth are part of your goals then YES absolutely ! You deserve to feel recognised and appreciated.

  • Is there ongoing support after the 6-month period ends?

    This program is designed to support you to get where you want to be, and are committed to go, during those 6 months. If you periodically need support after that, you can always reach out or book onto a coaching cycle. Just know that beyond those 6 months, I will remain one of your cheerleaders.

  • Can you teach me how to break the glass ceiling without shattering my sanity?

    “Teach” is probably not the way. But figure out together where you want to go beyond that glass ceiling, while looking after yourself, most definitely.

  • Can I see testimonials or reviews from other women who have completed the program?

    This program has been a labour of love and is (FINALLY) launched this end of June. Testimonials of women who finished the program won’t be available before early next year. You can find testimonials of people I’ve coached in the testimonials section of this website, on our Google page and Bark.

Sign up now.

Let’s make the best of the next 6 months.

You can opt for a 1 time payment for the 6-month program, which will give you access to an additional coaching session for FREE one month after the end of the program, or pay in monthly instalments for the 6 months of the program.

This program entails a 6-month commitment.

You can check out our terms & conditions as well as our privacy policy.